Every Detail Matters For Global Protection
Sum Insured : Up To $ 10 Million
Every Detail Matters For Global Protection
Best suited for

Employer-Employee Group

Non Employer- Employee
Groups/Association/ Institution/Society
Key Benefits
Launch Date: 01-10-2020
In this era of globalization, people, ideas and business, cross international borders regularly. With more and more companies and individuals working across national boundaries and employees becoming increasingly mobile, the need for an effective insurance solution for local and global health care need is even more important today. There is only one way to ensure that your health needs are addressed – a Global Health Cover that delivers solutions with a deep understanding of your specific requirements and preferences. Go global confidently with ManipalCigna Global Health Group Policy.
A comprehensive group plan that provides health care solution to Employer – Employee and Non Employer – Employee segments (Affinity Groups like Bank Savings A/c holders, Club Membership holders, Students of Educational Institutes and more). It covers Indian locals and expatriates working abroad under one umbrella. Stay secure whenever you travel with our ManipalCigna Global Health Group plan offering Worldwide or Country specific protection including choice of Out of area emergency treatment cover, International emergency services and more.
When it comes to international health care benefits, you have high expectations. And we do our best to exceed them. Our Global Health Group Policy goes beyond health benefits and can be tailored to what your organization/member needs.
A comprehensive health and wellness solution with wide range of Optional covers designed to fit to the requirements of Employer-Employee / Non-Employer Employee segment. The cover can be extended to family members including Spouse/Legal Partner/Dependent Children/Parents.

Provides In-patient Hospitalization and Day Care Benefits

Outpatient Benefits

Multiple options with hospitalization/out-patient related benefits

Maternity Expenses, New Born cover, Emergency Evacuation, Repatriation, Out of area cover, Dental, Vision cover, Hospice and palliative care, Travel vaccination, Complementary treatments, Cancer cover, AIDS/HIV cover, Psychiatric and Psychological Care and more.

Host of options for cost effective plans - Co-pay, Deductible, Waiting period inclusion and Maximum limit on Out of pocket expense

Wellness package for Health and Well-being

Easy access to quality health care around the world

Dedicated Global Service Network

CIGNA ENVOY Insured members also get access to Secure Member Website (www.cignaenvoy.com) for end to end support in US. It is a dedicated service platform to view claim status, history and payment details. It also provides health providers directory and country specific guides
What’s covered
- Our Global Health Group Policy goes beyond health benefits and can be tailored to what your organization/member needs.
- Covers Inpatient Hospitalization and Day Care Benefits
- Outpatient cover
- Maternity Expenses, New Born cover, Emergency Evacuation, Repatriation, Out of area cover, Dental, Vision cover, Hospice and palliative care, Travel vaccination, Complementary treatments, Cancer cover, AIDS/HIV cover, Psychiatric and Psychological Care and more
- Host of options for cost effective plans - Co-pay, Deductible, Waiting period inclusion and Maximum limit on Out of pocket expense
- Wellness package for Health and Well-being
What’s not covered
- Ailment requiring treatment due to use, abuse of drug, intoxicating substance
- Any Illness or Hospitalisation arising or resulting from any breach of law
- Any stay in Hospital without undertaking any Treatment
- All Illness/expenses caused by ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel
Above List is only indicative and not exhaustive

Sum Insured
up to $ 10 Million

Age at Entry (Adult)
Min - 18 Years, Max - 95 Years

Cover Type
Individual and Multi Individual

Age at Entry (Child)
Covered from Day 1, Max up to 25 Years

Relationships Covered
Self, legal spouse or unmarried partner, unmarried children under 25 years

Policy Term
1 year

Min Group Size
7 members

Lifetime provided the insured person is still associated with group

Monthly/ Quarterly/ Half-yearly/ Annual payments

List of Currencies
USD (US Dollar), AED (Arab Emirates Dirham), AUD (Australian dollar), Euro, GBP (Great Britain Pound), HKD (Hong Kong Dollar), SGD (Singapore Dollar), INR (Indian Rupee)

Area of Coverage
1. South Asia, Asian Middle East, African; 2. Asia Pacific excluding Hong Kong & Singapore; 3. Asia Pacific including Hong Kong & Singapore; 4. India, Europe, Canada, Latin America & Caribbean island countries; 5. Worldwide excluding United States; 6. Worldwide including United States.
Note: (For a specific group, the area of cover may be limited to any particular country or region e.g. - A Group can opt for coverage for only Germany which is part of Europe).
Got Questions?
What are the details to be provided at the time of intimation of claim?
The following details are to be provided to the company’s at the tine of intimation of Claim: Policy number, Name of policy, Name of the insured person in whose relation the Claim is being lodged. Nature of illness / injury. Name and address of the attending Medical Practitioner and hospital. Date of Admission and any other information as requested by Us.