How To Differentiate Between Diarrhoea And Dysentery? Home Remedies


Mar 25 2022


What Are Diarrhoea And Dysentery?

Diarrhoea and dysentery are health conditions that affect your digestive system. The symptoms of diarrhoea and dysentery are quite similar and include stomach cramps, nausea, bloating, etc.,

While the two do affect your intestines and waste disposal system, there is stark differences between them. This article will talk about those differences along with some home remedies and suggestions on when to see a doctor.

To begin with, it is important to understand what are diarrhoea and dysentery. Diarrhoea is a common health condition in which a person suffers from watery and loose stool. Dysentery, on the other hand, is an infection or inflammation of the intestine that can lead to the presence of blood in the watery stool. It is also referred to as bloody diarrhoea.

Symptoms of Diarrhoea and Dysentery

Below are the signs of symptoms of both the diseases to detect them early for timely treatment.

Diarrhoea symptoms include:

  • Loose, runny stool
  • Urgency to empty your bowels
  • Frequently going to the toilet to clean your bowels
  • Nausea
  • Cramping

Dysentery symptoms include:

  • Sudden urge to empty your bowels
  • Loose, runny stool
  • Constantly going to the toilet for emptying bowels
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fever

Note that the symptoms of dysentery are quite similar to diarrhoea but they are severe and are additional accompanied by some other symptoms.

Causes Of Diarrhoea And Dysentery 

Knowing the causes of diarrhoea and dysentery can help in tackling the root cause of the disease to make your healthy and fit. Here is a list of cause of both diarrhoea and dysentery. Take a look:

  • Causes of Diarrhoea:

Typically, diarrhoea is caused by various factors that can vary from food allergies to abdominal surgeries. These also include:

  • Taking certain medications
  • Digestive tract issues
  • Parasitic infections
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Food that upsets stomach
  • Radiation therapy
  • Causes of Dysentery

Contrary to diarrhoea, dysentery is caused by viruses or bacteria rather than factors. If you consume food or drink that is contaminated, you can get dysentery. The dysentery-causing bacteria include the following:

  • Shigella
  • Salmonella
  • Escherichia coli
  • Campylobacter

Prevention Of Diarrhoea And Dysentery

Whether one has diarrhoea or dysentery, it is always the best to follow precautions to save oneself from the difficult symptoms and pain. Here are some preventative measures one can take to avoid diarrhoea and dysentery:

  • Drink Safe Water: Contaminated water can lead to diarrhoea. If it contains any of the dysentery-causing bacteria, then it can also arise further issues.
  • Get Vaccinated: In many countries, the government also advises vaccination to prevent diarrhoea. For instance, you can get Rotavirus vaccine to prevent rotavirus – one of the main cases of diarrhoea.  Talk to a doctor of professional healthcare expert to understand which vaccine is suitable for your health issues.
  • Store Food Properly: If you keep your food at the right temperature, it takes away the chances of bad bacteria and viruses to nil. Cooking food should be done and handled carefully to prevent diarrhoea as week.

Some other tips are:

  • Adopt good hygienic habits
  • Only drink bottled water when travelling
  • Cook your food thoroughly

Home Remedies For Diarrhoea And Dysentery

At times, home remedies can also prove beneficial in treating these health issues. However, it should be noted that these home remedies should be used along with the doctor’s advice and should be followed along with other medicines.

The most common and effective home remedies for having a healthy and strong digestive system are:

  • Drink a lot of water to stay active and fight diarrhoea. You can also take oral solutions to stay hydrated.
  • Consume probiotics to create a healthy environment in the stomach and fight any bacteria. Sone of the best food for probiotics are cottage cheese, dark chocolate, green olives, yogurt, etc.,
  • Avoid fried and greasy food as it can further lead to diarrhoea. People should also avoid alcohol and artificial chewing gum and soft drinks.
  • If you have discomfort in the rectal area, fill bathtub with lukewarm water and sit in it for a few minutes. Later, clean the part with a soft and clean towel and apply petroleum jelly.

In case you have dysentery, make sure you do not just rely on home remedies. If left untreated, it can become a severe health issue. Just visit the doctor and get proper treatment.

When To Reach Hospital Or See A Doctor

No matter if you have diarrhoea or dysentery, it is always the best to seek treatment from an expert. Even those who use home remedies should keep visiting as an open option. Below are some situation when you should visit the doctor soon.

You should contact the doctor when:

  • You experience a severe abdominal pain
  • You have a high fever
  • You have a diarrhoea that has lasted more than 2-3 days
  • You have started noticing signs or depression such as dry mouth, light-headedness, etc.,
  • You notice dark and strong-melling urine

To know more, contact a physical expert and get your doubts solved.


So far, the major difference between diarrhoea and dysentery is the change in their causes. You can prevent or even try to treat them at home with the best remedies.

But whenever your condition becomes severe, you must visit the doctor as soon as possible. He/she can offer the best possible treatment with fast results.



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