A comprehensive and flexible Health Insurance Plan that offers Better Coverage, Better Control and Better Care
Sum Insured : ₹ 3 Lacs - ₹ 1 Crore
A comprehensive and flexible Health Insurance Plan that offers Better Coverage, Better Control and Better Care
Best suited for



Multi Individual
Key Benefits
Launch Date: 11-04-2022
Various Plans
ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime
is designed for better coverage, better control and better care.Sum insured (SI)
3Lacs - ₹ 1Crore
Base premium
Sum insured (SI)
5Lacs - ₹ 1Crore
Base premium
Sum insured (SI)
3Lacs - ₹ 15Lacs
Base premium
ProHealth Prime Protect
Suitable for Individual & Families looking for a comprehensive Health Insurance which is customizable as per the changing needs

Ped Waiting Period
Up to SI ₹ 5Lacs - 36 months;SI>= ₹ 7.5Lacs - 24 months

Sum Insured
3Lacs - 1 Crore
Sum Insured
₹ 5.5 Lacs
16,920* inclusive of taxes
*The Premium value is indicative for the below mentioned profile Age – 30, Zone – 1, Cover type – Family Floater ( 2 adults), Tenure- 1 year, Premium payment mode- Single.
Proposal may be subject to underwriting review

Choice of Sum Insured from ₹ 3 Lacs to ₹ 1 Crore

Coverage for Non medical expenses

Unlimited Restoration of Sum Insured for related / unrelated illnesses/injuries

Choice to avail "Any Room" category

Switch off your cover when you are travelling abroad for up to 30 days

Waiver of next one year renewal premium due to Accidental Death or if diagnosed with listed Critical Illnesses

Wellness Program which lets you earn up to 20% of base premium as rewards

Annual Health Check-up irrespective of claims from 1st year onwards

Guaranteed Cumulative Bonus of 25% each year up to maximum of 200% of Sum Insured
Customizable option to enhance the coverage by opting for optional packages and optional covers
To know more towards a healthier you, please CLICK HERE
What’s covered
- Hospitalization expenses with an option to take treatment in Any Room
- Pre & Post Hospitalization expenses of 60 and 180 days respectively
- Domiciliary Hospitalization up to 10% of Sum Insured
- Road Ambulance up to Sum Insured
- Donor expenses up to Sum Insured
- Unlimited Restoration of Sum Insured for related / unrelated illnesses
- AYUSH treatment up to Sum Insured
- Air Ambulance cover up to Sum Insured, subject to a max of ₹ 10Lacs
- Bariatric Surgery up to Sum Insured, subject to a max of ₹ 5Lacs
- Daily cash for shared accommodation
- Annual Health Check-up from 1st year onwards
- Domestic second opinion for 36 listed Critical Illnesses
- Unlimited Tele-consultation
- Switch off your cover while travelling abroad up to maximum of 30 days in a policy year, and get discount on renewal premium
- Waiver of next one year renewal premium if diagnosed with listed Critical Illnesses or in case of Accidental Death
- Guaranteed Cumulative Bonus of 25% every year, maximum up to 200% of Sum Insured
- Wellness Program – Earn rewards up to 20% of base premium through Healthy Life Management Program
- Avail ‘Any room’ category, including suite and above
- Get 8x of your Sum Insured. 100% guaranteed annual increase in Sum Insured maximum up to 800%
What’s not covered
- Breach of law
- Contamination from nuclear fuel or radiation
- Hazardous or adventure sports
- Foreign invasion or civil war
Above List is only indicative and not exhaustive. For complete details on Eligibility, Coverages, Benefits, Terms, Condition and Exclusions please refer Policy Wordings and Prospectus

Enhance Plus Package
Option to enhance the coverages with the following covers in the packages:
1. Upgrade to Any Room category
2. Health Maintenance benefit of ₹ 3,000 to take care of your OPD expenses
3. Maternity and New Born Hospitalization expenses with 1st year of vaccinations of up to 10% of Sum Insured; subject to maximum of ₹ 1Lac

Freedom Package
Option to ensure that you have freedom while being hospitalized or travel abroad without worrying about medical expenses with the following covers:
1. Upgrade to Any Room category
2. Cover for emergency hospitalization and OPD world-wide

Assure Package
1. Room Rent - Up to 1% of Sum Insured per day; ICU - Up to 2% of Sum Insured per day
2. Modern and Advanced Treatments - Covered up to 10% of Sum Insured
3. Disease specific sub-limits applicable

Cover Non-Medical Expenses
This covers for Non-payables which is otherwise an out of pocket expense during hospitalization

Personal Accident Coverage
2 times of Sum Insured subject to a maximum of ₹ 50Lacs

Infertility Treatment
Infertility treatment limited to IUI and/or IVF. Maximum up to 2 successful procedures ; up to ₹ 2.5 Lacs over and above maternity limit.

Option to choose Deductible of ₹ 10k or ₹ 25k
The deductible amount will apply on the sum of all admissible claims in that year. This means that from your claims (should any be arising), you choose to pay the deductible amount either out of your own pocket, or with the aid of an existing Health Insurance policy.

Cumulative Bonus Booster
You have an option to increase the coverage with 50% Cumulative Bonus every year irrespective of the claim. Maximum accumulation is up to 200% of Sum insured. This benefit is available in place of Cumulative Bonus.
ManipalCigna Prime Plus
1. Surplus Benefit: Get additional 100% of Sum Insured for 1st claim only, every policy year
2. Premium Management Cover: Removal of coverages such as Air Ambulance Cover, Bariatric Surgery Cover, Daily Cash for Shared Accommodation, Health Check Up for Adult Insured, Domestic Second Opinion, Tele Consultation and Premium Waiver Benefit from base policy.
3. Women Care: Get coverage for Mammography, Cervical Cancer screening and PCOS/PCOD diagnostic tests on cashless basis from MCHI network for women aged 18 years and above.
4. Deductible: Option to opt from Rs. 50,000, Rs. 1 Lac, Rs. 2 Lacs, Rs. 3 Lacs, Rs. 4 Lacs and Rs. 5 Lacs.

Critical Illness Add On Cover: Covers listed 11 Critical Illnesses. Available on payment of additional premium

Min Entry Age
Child - 91 days, Adult - 18 years

Cover Type
Individual/Multi-individual and family floater

Max Entry Age
No Limit (Children up to the age of 25 years can be covered under the family floater plan)

Policy Period
1, 2 and 3 years
(Discount of 7.5% for 2 years and 10 % for 3 years policy term with single premium payment mode)

Relationships covered
Self, Spouse, Children, Father, Mother, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Grand-parents, Grandchildren, Uncle, Aunt, Nephew, Niece, Brother, Sister

Premium Payment Mode
Single, Half yearly, Quarterly, Monthly.
ProHealth Prime Advantage
Suitable for Individual & Families looking for a comprehensive Health Insurance with inbuilt OPD cover and is further customizable as per the additional needs

Ped Waiting Period
Up to SI ₹ 5Lacs - 36 months;SI>= ₹ 7.5Lacs - 24 months

Sum Insured
5Lacs - 1 Crore
Sum Insured
₹ 5 Lacs
9,783* inclusive of taxes
*The Premium value is indicative for the below mentioned profile Age – 35, Zone – 1, Cover type – Individual, Tenure- 1 year, Premium payment mode- Single. ₹ 20K OPD
Proposal may be subject to underwriting review

Choice of Sum insured from ₹ 5 Lacs to ₹ 1 Crore

Cashless OPD cover to protect high expenses of doctor consultations, prescribed diagnostics and pharmacy

Unlimited restoration of Sum Insured for related/unrelated illnesses/injuries

Coverage for Non-medical expenses

Choice to avail "Any Room" category

Switch off your coverage when you are travelling abroad for up to 30 days

Waiver of next one year renewal premium due to Accidental Death or if diagnosed with listed Critical Illnesses

Wellness Program which lets you earn rewards up to 20% of base premium as rewards

Annual Health Check-up irrespective of claims from 1st year onwards

Guaranteed Cumulative Bonus of 25% each year up to maximum of 200% of Sum Insured
Customizable option to enhance the coverage by opting for optional packages
To know more towards a healthier you, please CLICK HERE
What’s covered
- Hospitalization expenses
- Pre & Post Hospitalization expenses of 60 and 180 days respectively
- Domiciliary Hospitalization up to 10% of Sum Insured
- Road Ambulance up to Sum Insured
- Donor expenses up to Sum Insured
- Unlimited Restoration of Sum Insured
- AYUSH treatment up to Sum Insured
- Air Ambulance cover up to Sum Insured, subject to a max of ₹ 10Lacs
- Bariatric Surgery up to Sum Insured, subject to a max of ₹ 5Lacs
- Cashless OPD coverage of ₹ 20,000 , ₹ 30,000 or ₹ 50000 to cover for expenses of Consultations, prescribed diagnostics and pharmacy. Pharmacy up to 20% of OPD limit.
- Annual Health Check-up from 1st year onwards
- Unlimited Tele consultation
- Switch off your cover while travelling abroad up to maximum of 30 days in a policy year, and get discount on renewal premium
- Waiver of next one year renewal premium if diagnosed with listed Critical Illnesses or due to Accidental Death
- Guaranteed Cumulative Bonus of 25% every year, maximum up to 200% of Sum Insured
- Wellness Program – Earn rewards up to 20% of base premium through Healthy Life Management Program
- Avail ‘Any room’ category, including suite and above
- Get 8x of your Sum Insured. 100% guaranteed annual increase in Sum Insured maximum up to 800%
What’s not covered
- Breach of law
- Contamination from nuclear fuel or radiation
- Hazardous or adventure sports
- Foreign invasion or civil war
Above List is only indicative and not exhaustive. For complete details on Eligibility, Coverages, Benefits, Terms, Condition and Exclusions please refer Policy Wordings and Prospectus

Enhance Package
Option to enhance the coverages with the following covers in the packages:
1. Upgrade to Any Room category
2. Maternity and New Born Hospitalization expenses with 1st year of vaccinations of up to 10% of Sum Insured; subject to maximum of ₹ 1Lac

Freedom Package
Option to ensure that you have freedom while being hospitalized or travel abroad without worrying about medical expenses with the following covers:
1. Upgrade to Any Room category
2. Cover for emergency hospitalization and OPD world-wide

Cover Non-Medical Expenses
This covers for Non payables which is otherwise an out of pocket expense during hospitalization

Personal Accident Coverage
2 times of Sum Insured subject to a maximum of ₹ 50Lacs

Infertility Treatment
Infertility treatment limited to IUI or IVF or both. Maximum up to 2 successful procedures; up to ₹ 2.5 Lacs over and above maternity limit.

Cumulative Bonus Booster
You have an option to increase the coverage with 50% Cumulative Bonus every year irrespective of the claim. Maximum accumulation is up to 200% of Sum insured. This benefit is available in place of Cumulative Bonus.
ManipalCigna Prime Plus
1. Surplus Benefit: Get additional 100% of Sum Insured for 1st claim only, every policy year
2. Premium Management Cover: Removal of coverages such as Air Ambulance Cover, Bariatric Surgery Cover, Daily Cash for Shared Accommodation, Health Check Up for Adult Insured, Domestic Second Opinion, Tele Consultation and Premium Waiver Benefit from base policy.

Critical Illness Add On Cover: Covers listed 11 Critical Illnesses. Available on payment of additional premium

Min Entry Age
Child - 91 days, Adult - 18 years

Cover Type
Individual/Multi-individual and family floater

Max Entry Age
No Limit (Children up to the age of 25 years can be covered under the family floater plan)

Policy Period
1, 2 and 3 years
(Discount of 7.5% for 2 years and 10 % for 3 years policy term with single premium payment mode)

Relationships covered
Self, Spouse, Children, Father, Mother, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Grand-parents, Grandchildren, Uncle, Aunt, Nephew, Niece, Brother, Sister

Premium Payment Mode
Single, Half yearly, Quarterly, Monthly.
ProHealth Prime Active
Comprehensive coverage from 91st day for those with existing listed health conditions

Ped Waiting Period
90 days for Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Obesity related conditions.For all other conditions - 24 months

Sum Insured
3Lacs - 15 Lacs
Sum Insured
₹ 5 Lacs
10,727* inclusive of taxes
*The Premium value is indicative for the below mentioned profile Age – 35, Zone – 1, Cover type – Individual, Tenure- 1 year, Premium payment mode- Single, condition management wellness program included.
Proposal may be subject to underwriting review

Choice of Sum Insured from ₹ 3 Lacs to ₹ 15 Lacs

Daily cash for opting shared accommodation

Unlimited Restoration of Sum Insured for unrelated illnesses

Condition Management Program which let's you earn rewards up to 15% of base premium

Cumulative Bonus of 10% of Sum Insured for each year, maximum up to 100% of Sum Insured
Customizable option to enhance coverage by opting optional covers
To know more towards a healthier you, please CLICK HERE
What’s covered
- Hospitalization expenses
- Pre & Post Hospitalization expenses of 30 and 60 days respectively
- Domiciliary Hospitalization up to 10% of Sum Insured
- Road Ambulance up to Sum Insured
- Donor expenses up to Sum Insured
- Unlimited Restoration of Sum Insured for unrelated illnesses
- AYUSH treatment up to Sum Insured
- Convalescence Benefit of ₹ 30000 for hospitalization of more than 10 days
- Daily cash for choosing shared accommodation
- Unlimited Tele consultation
- Cumulative Bonus of 10% every year maximum up to 100% in case of year. Reduction by 10% on account of claims
- Waiver of next one year renewal premium if diagnosed with listed Critical Illnesses or due to Accidental Death
What’s not covered
- Breach of law
- Contamination from nuclear fuel or radiation
- Hazardous or adventure sports
- Foreign invasion or civil war
Above List is only indicative and not exhaustive. For complete details on Eligibility, Coverages, Benefits, Terms, Condition and Exclusions please refer Policy Wordings and Prospectus

Covers Non-Medical Expenses
This covers for Non payables which is otherwise an out of pocket expense during hospitalization.

Health Check up
One can opt for Health Check-up only if Wellness Program is removed from base plan. Health Check up is available once every 3rd policy year.

World-wide Accidental Emergency Hospitalization Cover
Medical Hospitalization Emergency arising due to Accidents while travelling abroad will be covered up to Sum Insured. The limits are over and above the base Sum Insured.

Min Entry Age
Child - 91 days, Adult - 18 years

Cover Type
Individual and Family Floater

Max Entry Age
Child - 17 days, Adult – 70 years

Policy Period
1, 2 and 3 years
(Discount of 7.5% for 2 years and 10 % for 3 years policy term with single premium payment mode)

Relationships covered
Self, Spouse, Children, Father, Mother, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Grand-parents, Grandchildren, Uncle, Aunt, Nephew, Niece, Brother, Sister

Premium Payment Mode
Single, Half yearly, Quarterly, Monthly.
ProHealth Prime Protect
Suitable for Individual & Families looking for a comprehensive Health Insurance which is customizable as per the changing needs

Ped Waiting Period
Up to SI ₹ 5Lacs - 36 months;
SI>= ₹ 7.5Lacs - 24 months

Sum Insured
3 Lacs - 1 Crore
Sum Insured
₹ 5.5 Lacs
16,920* inclusive of taxes
*The Premium value is indicative for the below mentioned profile Age – 30, Zone – 1, Cover type – Family Floater ( 2 adults), Tenure- 1 year, Premium payment mode- Single.
Proposal may be subject to underwriting review

Choice of Sum Insured from ₹ 3 Lacs to ₹ 1 Crore

Coverage for Non medical expenses

Unlimited Restoration of Sum Insured for related / unrelated illnesses/injuries

Choice to avail "Any Room" category

Switch off your cover when you are travelling abroad for up to 30 days

Waiver of next one year renewal premium due to Accidental Death or if diagnosed with listed Critical Illnesses

Wellness Program which lets you earn up to 20% of base premium as rewards

Annual Health Check-up irrespective of claims from 1st year onwards

Guaranteed Cumulative Bonus of 25% each year up to maximum of 200% of Sum Insured
Customizable option to enhance the coverage by opting for optional packages and optional covers
To know more towards a healthier you, please CLICK HERE
What’s covered
- Hospitalization expenses with an option to take treatment in Any Room
- Pre & Post Hospitalization expenses of 60 and 180 days respectively
- Domiciliary Hospitalization up to 10% of Sum Insured
- Road Ambulance up to Sum Insured
- Donor expenses up to Sum Insured
- Unlimited Restoration of Sum Insured for related / unrelated illnesses
- AYUSH treatment up to Sum Insured
- Air Ambulance cover up to Sum Insured, subject to a max of ₹ 10Lacs
- Bariatric Surgery up to Sum Insured, subject to a max of ₹ 5Lacs
- Daily cash for shared accommodation
- Annual Health Check-up from 1st year onwards
- Domestic second opinion for 36 listed Critical Illnesses
- Unlimited Tele-consultation
- Switch off your cover while travelling abroad up to maximum of 30 days in a policy year, and get discount on renewal premium
- Waiver of next one year renewal premium if diagnosed with listed Critical Illnesses or in case of Accidental Death
- Guaranteed Cumulative Bonus of 25% every year, maximum up to 200% of Sum Insured
- Wellness Program – Earn rewards up to 20% of base premium through Healthy Life Management Program
- Avail ‘Any room’ category, including suite and above
- Get 8x of your Sum Insured. 100% guaranteed annual increase in Sum Insured maximum up to 800%
What’s not covered
- Breach of law
- Contamination from nuclear fuel or radiation
- Hazardous or adventure sports
- Foreign invasion or civil war
Above List is only indicative and not exhaustive. For complete details on Eligibility, Coverages, Benefits, Terms, Condition and Exclusions please refer Policy Wordings and Prospectus
Add Ons and Options

Enhance Plus Package
Option to enhance the coverages with the following covers in the packages:
1. Upgrade to Any Room category
2. Health Maintenance benefit of ₹ 3,000 to take care of your OPD expenses
3. Maternity and New Born Hospitalization expenses with 1st year of vaccinations of up to 10% of Sum Insured; subject to maximum of ₹ 1Lac

Freedom Package
Option to ensure that you have freedom while being hospitalized or travel abroad without worrying about medical expenses with the following covers:
1. Upgrade to Any Room category
2. Cover for emergency hospitalization and OPD world-wide

Assure Package
1. Room Rent - Up to 1% of Sum Insured per day; ICU - Up to 2% of Sum Insured per day
2. Modern and Advanced Treatments - Covered up to 10% of Sum Insured
3. Disease specific sub-limits applicable

Cover Non-Medical Expenses
This covers for Non-payables which is otherwise an out of pocket expense during hospitalization

Personal Accident Coverage
2 times of Sum Insured subject to a maximum of ₹ 50Lacs

Infertility Treatment
Infertility treatment limited to IUI and/or IVF. Maximum up to 2 successful procedures ; up to ₹ 2.5 Lacs over and above maternity limit.

Option to choose Deductible of ₹ 10k or ₹ 25k
The deductible amount will apply on the sum of all admissible claims in that year. This means that from your claims (should any be arising), you choose to pay the deductible amount either out of your own pocket, or with the aid of an existing Health Insurance policy.

Cumulative Bonus Booster
You have an option to increase the coverage with 50% Cumulative Bonus every year irrespective of the claim. Maximum accumulation is up to 200% of Sum insured. This benefit is available in place of Cumulative Bonus.
ManipalCigna Prime Plus
1. Surplus Benefit: Get additional 100% of Sum Insured for 1st claim only, every policy year
2. Premium Management Cover: Removal of coverages such as Air Ambulance Cover, Bariatric Surgery Cover, Daily Cash for Shared Accommodation, Health Check Up for Adult Insured, Domestic Second Opinion, Tele Consultation and Premium Waiver Benefit from base policy.
3. Women Care: Get coverage for Mammography, Cervical Cancer screening and PCOS/PCOD diagnostic tests on cashless basis from MCHI network for women aged 18 years and above.
4. Deductible: Option to opt from Rs. 50,000, Rs. 1 Lac, Rs. 2 Lacs, Rs. 3 Lacs, Rs. 4 Lacs and Rs. 5 Lacs.

Critical Illness Add On Cover: Covers listed 11 Critical Illnesses. Available on payment of additional premium

Min Entry Age
Child - 91 days, Adult - 18 years

Cover Type
Individual/Multi-individual and family floater

Max Entry Age
No Limit (Children up to the age of 25 years can be covered under the family floater plan)

Policy Period
1, 2 and 3 years
(Discount of 7.5% for 2 years and 10 % for 3 years policy term with single premium payment mode)

Relationships covered
Self, Spouse, Children, Father, Mother, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Grand-parents, Grandchildren, Uncle, Aunt, Nephew, Niece, Brother, Sister

Premium Payment Mode
Single, Half yearly, Quarterly, Monthly.
Other plans under ProHealth Prime
Sum insured
Base premium
Sum insured
Base premium
Plan Comparison
PLAN NAME | ProHealth Prime Protect |
ProHealth Prime Advantage |
ProHealth Prime Active |
Sum Insured | 3 Lacs - ₹ 100 Lacs | 5 Lacs- ₹ 100 Lacs | 3 Lacs- ₹ 15 Lacs |
Room Accommodation | Single Private AC Room ICU: Up to SI |
Single Private AC Room ICU: Up to SI |
SI =₹ 3Lacs: 1% of Base SI SI>=₹ 5Lacs: Single Private AC Room ICU: Up to SI |
Pre - Hospitalization | 60 days; Up to SI | 60 days; Up to SI | 30 days; Up to SI |
Post - Hospitalization | 180 days; Up to SI | 180 days; Up to SI | 60 days; Up to SI |
Day Care Treatment | Up to SI | Up to SI | Up to SI |
Domiciliary Hospitalization | 10% of SI | 10% of SI | 10% of SI |
Road Ambulance | Up to SI | Up to SI | Up to SI |
Donor Expenses | Up to SI | Up to SI | Up to SI |
Restoration of Sum Insured | Unlimited times for related/unrelated illnesses | Unlimited times for related/unrelated illnesses | Unlimited times for unrelated illnesses |
AYUSH Treatment | Up to SI | Up to SI | Up to SI |
Air Ambulance Cover | Up to SI, subject to a maximum of ₹ 10Lacs | Up to SI, subject to a maximum of ₹ 10Lacs | Not Applicable |
Bariatric Surgery Cover | Up to SI, subject to a maximum of ₹ 5Lacs Waiting Period: 36 months |
Up to SI, subject to a maximum of ₹ 5Lacs Waiting Period: 36 months |
Not Applicable |
Outpatient Expenses | Not Applicable | Covered up to maximum of ₹ 20,000/30,000/50,000 per policy year, through cashless basis - Consultations, Prescribed diagnostics & pharmacy. A limit of up to 20% of the OPD limit shall apply on Pharmacy expenses. - |
Not Applicable |
Convalescence Benefit | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | For SI>=₹ 5 lacs: ₹ 30,000 for hospitalization >=10 days, to be paid as lump sum |
Daily Cash for Shared Accommodation | Per Hospitalization: For SI up to ₹ 10 Lacs: ₹ 800 p.d. max ₹ 5600 For SI above ₹ 10 Lacs: ₹ 1000 p.d. max ₹ 7000 Cover triggers post 48 hours of hospitalization and payable from 1st day |
Per Hospitalization: For SI up to ₹ 10 Lacs: ₹ 800 p.d. max ₹ 5600 For SI above ₹ 10 Lacs: ₹ 1000 p.d. max ₹ 7000 Cover triggers post 48 hours of hospitalization and payable from 1st day |
Per Hospitalization: For SI from ₹ 5 Lacs to ₹ 10 Lacs: ₹ 800 p.d. max ₹ 5600 For SI above ₹ 10 Lacs: ₹ 1000 p.d. max ₹ 7000 Cover triggers post 48 hours of hospitalization and payable from 1st day |
Health Check Up | Annually from 1st year onwards, for all adults insured. Limits / Test basis opted SI, offered through Network only. | Annually from 1st year onwards, for all adults insured. Limits / Test basis opted SI, offered through Network only. | Available only if Wellness Program is removed from the base plan. Applicable once every 3rd policy year. Available as optional cover. |
Domestic Second Opinion | Available for 36 listed Critical Illnesses | Available for 36 listed Critical Illnesses | Available for 36 listed Critical Illnesses |
Tele- Consultation | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Cumulative Bonus | Guaranteed Cumulative Bonus of 25% of Base SI each year subject to a max of 200% of the Base SI, irrespective of claims | Guaranteed Cumulative Bonus of 25% of Base SI each year subject to a max of 200% of the Base SI, irrespective of claims | Cumulative Bonus of 10% per year subject to a maximum upto 100% of Sum Insured. |
Switch Off Benefit | Switch off the cover after 1 year for a maximum period of 30 days and get discount in premium during subsequent renewal. | Switch off the cover after 1 year for a maximum period of 30 days and get discount in premium during subsequent renewal. | Not Applicable |
Wellness Program | Earn rewards up to 20% of base premium through completing Healthy Life Management Program | Earn rewards up to 20% of base premium through completing Healthy Life Management Program | Earn rewards up to 15% of base premium through completing Condition Management Program |
Premium Waiver benefit | Waives off next one year renewal policy premium upon occurrence of any of the listed contingencies | Waives off next one year renewal policy premium upon occurrence of any of the listed contingencies | Waives off next one year renewal policy premium upon occurrence of any of the listed contingencies |
Enhance Plus | 1. Room Accommodation - upgrade to "Any Room" 2. Health Maintenance Benefit of up to ₹ 3000 per Policy Year 3. Maternity & New Born (Including 1st year vaccination expenses) - 10% of SI per delivery subject to a maximum of ₹ 1Lac |
Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Enhance | Not Applicable | 1. Room Accommodation - upgrade to "Any Room" 2. Maternity & New Born (Including 1st year vaccination expenses) - 10% of SI per delivery subject to a maximum of ₹ 1Lac |
Not Applicable |
Freedom (Only for Indian Residents) | 1. Room Accommodation - upgrade to "Any Room" 2. Worldwide Emergency Hospitalization with Outpatient Cover (including Accidental Hospitalization) Up to SI; Over and above the Base SI |
1. Room Accommodation - upgrade to "Any Room" 2. Worldwide Emergency Hospitalization with Outpatient Cover (including Accidental Hospitalization) Up to SI; Over and above the Base SI |
Not Applicable |
Assure (Applicable for ₹ 3Lacs/₹ 4Lacs & ₹ 5Lacs Sum Insured) | 1. Room rent - Up to 1% of Sum Insured per day; ICU - Up to 2% of Sum Insured per day 2. Modern and Advanced Treatments - Covered up to 10% of Sum Insured 3. Disease specific sub-limits applicable |
Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Non Medical Items (Non Payables) |
Up to SI as a part of Base SI offering | Up to SI as a part of Base SI offering | Up to SI as a part of Base SI offering |
Deductible | ₹ 10K or ₹ 25K | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Infertility Treatment (Option available with Enhance / Enhance Plus - Optional Packages, Applicable if base SI>= ₹ 7.5lacs) |
Infertility treatment limited to IUI and/or IVF - Coverage up to ₹ 2.5Lacs, over and above the Maternity limit - Waiting period of 36 months |
Infertility treatment limited to IUI and/or IVF - Coverage up to ₹ 2.5Lacs, over and above the Maternity limit - Waiting period of 36 months |
Personal Accident Cover (Fixed Benefit) | 2 times of SI subject to a maximum of ₹ 50Lacs | 2 times of SI subject to a maximum of ₹ 50Lacs | Not Applicable |
Cumulative Bonus Booster (For SI ₹ 5Lacs and above) |
50% of SI per policy year, subject to a maximum of 200% of SI | 50% of SI per policy year, subject to a maximum of 200% of SI | Not Applicable |
Worldwide Accidental Emergency Hospitalization Cover | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Up to SI; Over and above the Base SI |
ManipalCigna Critical Illness Add On Cover (Critical Illness Benefit Rider) |
Any available SI options under Critical Illness Benefit Rider subject to the maximum of the Base SI | Any available SI options under Critical Illness Benefit Rider subject to the maximum of the Base SI | Not Applicable |
PED Waiting Period | Up to SI ₹ 5Lacs - 36 months For SI >= ₹ 7.5Lacs - 24 months |
Up to SI ₹ 5Lacs - 36 months For SI >= ₹ 7.5Lacs - 24 months |
90 days for Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidaemia, Obesity related conditions For all other conditions - 24 months |
Policy type | Individual / Multi Individual /Family Floater | Individual / Multi Individual /Family Floater | Individual / Multi Individual |
Got Questions?
What are the details to be provided at the time of intimation of claim?
The following details are to be provided to the company’s at the tine of intimation of Claim: Policy number, Name of policy, Name of the insured person in whose relation the Claim is being lodged. Nature of illness / injury. Name and address of the attending Medical Practitioner and hospital. Date of Admission and any other information as requested by Us.
Other product with Hospitalisation Cover
Sum Insured upto ₹ 1 Lac - ₹ 30 Lacs
The added boost that keeps you covered above and beyond your health plan.
Best suited for



Multi Individual
Key Benefits

ManipalCigna ProHealth Insurance
About ManipalCigna ProHealth Insurance Policy
A health insurance policy pays for medical and surgical expenses incurred by the insured in the treatment of a disease or injury. With the best health insurance policies , you can either reimburse your costs incurred due to hospitalization or opt for a direct payout.
ManipalCigna ProHealth Insurance policy is a comprehensive health insurance solution for illness as well as wellness. It is one of the best health insurance policies available in India.
Features of ManipalCigna ProHealth Insurance Policy
- Inpatient Hospitalization: If you have been admitted in a hospital due to any illness or injury for over 24 hours, inpatient hospitalization charges are taken care of by ProHealth insurance policy. Additional protection is offered with coverage for modern treatment methods, HIV and related illnesses, and enteral feeding expenses.
- Day Care Treatment: Medical expenses are paid for when you undergo a treatment requiring less than 24 hours of hospitalization. Five hundred plus listed Day Care procedures are covered under this medical insurance policy.
- Ambulance Cover: You are covered for ambulance transportation expenses to the hospital as per policy opted.
- Restoration of Sum Insured: There can be multiple unrelated illnesses or injuries that require hospitalization. You can restore your Sum Insured any number of times up to an additional 100% in a policy year with this feature.
- Health Maintenance Benefit: Every illness needs attention. We make sure that happens by covering the costs of your doctor fees, drug expense, diagnostic tests, dental treatments, etc., up to the reimbursement limit under each of our ProHealth insurance policies.
Why Do You Need ManipalCigna ProHealth Insurance Policy
ManipalCigna ProHealth Insurance Policy for individuals or family offers comprehensive coverage of medical expenses made towards inpatient hospitalization, daycare treatment, and pre and post-hospitalization. This health insurance policy for family or individuals offers restoration benefits and AYUSH Treatment.
This medical insurance policy offers smart non-reducing guaranteed cumulative bonus benefit. The ProHealth insurance also offers an optional cumulative bonus booster that works on a non-reducing basis. It adds 25% Sum Insured to your policy every year irrespective of the number of claims.
ProHealth insurance also covers domiciliary treatment, donor expenses, and worldwide emergencies up to the Sum Insured. Health Maintenance benefit covers outpatient treatment, AYUSH, diagnostics, doctor consultation, and pharmacy bills. ProHealth also offers Healthy Rewards as a value-added benefit under its ProActiv Living Program.
FAQs about ManipalCigna ProHealth Insurance
Q.1) What is Health Insurance?
Insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses that are incurred by the insured person during the treatment of a disease or injury. Health insurance can either reimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury or pay the care provider directly.
Q.2) Can I buy ProHealth online?
You can buy ProHealth Online by visiting our website www.manipalcigna.com
Q.3) What coverages do I get?
Under this policy, coverages are divided into Basic, Value added, Optional and Add-on.
The optional covers and Critical illness add-on can be opted by paying additional premium.
Q.4) Is there any Exit Age in ProHealth?
No, there is no exit age in this policy.
Q.5) Is there any tax benefit?
Yes. Premium paid under the Policy shall be eligible for income tax benefit under Sec 80 D of the Income Tax Act and any amendments thereon. If Policy Term is more than 1 year then tax benefit can be taken for all the years separately as applicable.